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Clare Sisisky


Clare Sisisky is currently the Director of the Responsible Citizenship Initiative and the Director of Strategic Planning at Collegiate School in Richmond, Virginia. Her leadership responsibilities include overseeing the inclusion, global engagement, service-learning, entrepreneurship and sustainability programs and developing curriculum in these areas in partnership with faculty across all divisions. She previously worked as an administrator for a large public school district, for the National Committee on U.S.-China Relations in Beijing, and was on the faculty at Phillips Academy Andover. Clare has an undergraduate degree from George Washington University and a graduate degree from Harvard. Clare has written and presented on many topics relating to inclusion and global competency in K-12 education including at POCC, NAIS and other national conferences. She is a founding Board Member of the Global Education Benchmark Group (GEBG).

Spring Conference:
Diversity Learning in Curriculum

April 21, 2017

10:00am - 3:00pm    



St Anne's Belfield School

2132 Ivy Road

Charlottesville, VA 22903


Registration Deadline: April 14, 2017


Due to limited space, we are asking  that no more than 4 people attend from each school. Those who attend will be asked to bring a lesson to share.


About the Program

This interactive workshop will feature breakout session by division (Lower School, Middle School, and Upper School). Bring a lesson,
share a lesson, address our challenges!



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