Upper School Student Diversity Conference
Saturday, January 17, 2015
9:30am - 3:30pm
St. Margaret’s School
444 S. Water Lane
Tappahannock, VA 22560
This conference will feature Justin Bachman as keynote speaker. Students will also participate in peer lead workshops focusing on different aspects of diversity.
A Youth Ambassador for the National Tourette Syndrome Association, Justin Bachman travels the country speaking about acceptance. He has many stories he shares with students to get them thinking about the ways in which they act towards others. His speech is engaging and provide real life examples from the lessons he has learned.
Tentative schedule.
Times will be more accurate once we receive all proposals for sessions.
9:30 Registration
9:50 Welcome
10:00 Keynote Speaker Justin Bachman
11:00/11:15 *Icebreaker - Collegiate School will present
11:30/1:45 Breakout Sessions 1
12:30/12:45 Lunch
1:30/1:45 Breakout Sessions 2
2:30/2:45 - 3:30/3:45 Wrap Up Session