For more information:
Tidewater region, contact Norfolk Collegiate School’s Jan Weintraub (jweintraub@norfolkcollegiate.org);
Richmond metro area, contact Collegiate School’s Erica Coffey (ecoffey@collegiate-va.org);
Northern Virginia contact St. Stephen's & St. Agnes School’s Kiki Davis (kdavis@sssas.org).
All others, contact St. Christopher’s School’s Michael Turner (turnerm@stcva.org).
at the People of Color Conference & the Student Diversity Leadership Conference
Wednesday, December 4 through Sunday, December 8, 2013
Washington, DC
Enrich the experience of faculty and students attending NAIS’s 26th annual People of Color Conference and the Student Diversity Leadership Conference by connecting with others also attending from independent schools throughout the Virginia. Available services include:
regionally shared transportation to and from Washington, to save money and extend the experience;
coordination of hotel arrangements to provide informal networking leading up to, in between and following conference sessions; and
in-personal and social networking tools to allow for on-going conversation before, during and after the conference.