Select Sources on Diversity & Incusion
Adams, Maurianne, Griffin, Pat, Bell, L. (1997). Teaching for diversity and social justice. GreatBritain: Routledge.
Adams, M, Blumenfeld, W, Castaneda, R, Hackman, H, & Peters, M. (2000). Readings fordiversity and social justice. New York, NY: Taylor and Francis.
Allport, G. (1954). The Nature of prejudice. Cambridge, MA: AddisonWesley.
Au, W. (2009). Rethinking multicultural education: teaching for racial and cultural justice.Milwaukee, WI: Rethinking Schools.
Banks, J. (2008). An Introduction to multicultural education. Boston, MA: Pearson Education.
Bigelow, B. (2001). Rethinking our classrooms. Williston, VT: Rethinking Schools Ltd.
Bigelow, B. (2001). Rethinking our classrooms Vol.2. Williston, VT: Rethinking Schools Ltd.
Bigelow, B, & Peterson, B. (1998). Rethinking columbus. Milwaukee, WI: Rethinking Schools Ltd.
Cowhey, M. (2006). Black ants and buddhists. Portland, ME: Stenhouse.
Diamond, Jared. (2005). Guns, germs, and steel: the fates of human societies. New York, NY: WW Norton & Co Inc.
Ellis, A, & Llewellyn, M. (1997). Dealing with differences. Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press.
Gardenswartz, L, & Rowe, A. (1994). The Managing diversity survival guide. McGraw Hill.
Goodman, D. (2001). Promoting diversity and social justice. Thousand Island, CA: SagePublications, Inc.
Gutstein, E, & Peterson, B. (2006). Rethinking mathematics: teaching social justice by thenumbers. Mikwaukee, WI: Rethinking Schools.
Howard, G. (2006). We can't teach what we don't know. New York, NY: Teacher's CollegePress.
Johnson, A. (2001). Privilege, power, and difference. New York, NY: McGrawHillHumanities/Social Sciences/Languages.
Kozol, J. (1991). Savage inequalities: children in america's schools. New York, NY:HarperPerennial.
Kretzmann, John, McKnight, John. (1993). Building communities from the inside out. Chicago, IL:ACTA Publications.
Kugelmass, J, & Libraries, Association. (2005). The Inclusive school: sustaining equity andstandards. New York, NY: Teachers College Press.
Lee, E, Menkart, D, & OkazawaRey,M. (2008). Beyond heros and holidays: a practical guide to k-12 antiracist,multicultural education and staff development. Washington, DC: Teaching for Change.
Loewen, J. (1999). Lies across america. New York, NY: Touchstone.
Loewen, J. (2007). Lies my teacher told me. New York, NY: Touchstone.
Loewen, J. (2009). Teaching what really happened. New York, NY: Teachers College Press.
Marx, S. (2006). Revealing the invisible. New York, NY: Taylor and Francis.
Pelo, A. (2008). Rethinking early childhood education. Milwaukee, WI: Rethinking Schools.
Rosenblum, K, & Travis, T. (2000). The Meaning of difference. McGrawHillHumanities, SocialSciences & World Languages.
Sapon-Shevin,M. (2007). Widening the circle: the power of inclusive classrooms. Boston, MA:Beacon Press.
Skrla, L, McKenzie, K, & Scheurich, J. (2009). Using Equity audits to create equitable andexcellent schools. Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press.
Souto-Manning,Mariana. (2009). Freire, teaching, and learning. New York, NY: Peter Lang PubInc.
Takaki, R. (1993). A Different mirror: a history of multicultural america. New York, NY: Back BayBooks.
Yoshino, K. (2007). Covering: the hidden assault on our civil rights. New York, NY: RandomHouse Trade.
Bravo, E. (2007). Taking on the big boys. New York, NY: The Feminist Press.
Kimmel, Michael. (2008). Guyland: the perilous world where boys become men. New York, NY:Harpercollins.
Simmons, R. (2003). Odd girl out. Harcourt Books.
Conchas, Gilberto. (2006). The Color of success: race and highachievingurban youth. NewYork, NY: Teacher’s College Press.
DermanSparks,L, Ramsey, P, & Edwards, J. (2006). What if all the Kids are white?. New York,NY: Teachers College Press.
Farrow, A, Lang, J, & Frank, J. (2005). Complicity: how the north promoted, prolonged, andprofited from slavery. New York, NY: Ballantine Books.
Feagin, J. (2010). The White racial frame. New York, NY: Taylor & Francis.
Fine, Michelle, & Wheeler, Albert. (2004). Off white: readings on power, privilege, and resistance.New York, NY: Routledge.
Harry, Beth, Klingner, Janette, & Libraries, Association. (2006). Why are so many Minoritystudents in special education?. New York, NY: Teachers College Pr.
Kendall, F. (2006). Understanding white privilege. New York, NY: Routledge.
Kivel, P. (2002). Uprooting racism: how white people can work for racial justice. Canada: NewSociety Publishers.
Noguera, P. (2008). The Trouble with black boys. San Francisco, CA: JosseyBass.
Ogletree, C. (2005). All Deliberate speed. New York, NY: W W Norton & Co Inc.
O'Brien, E. (2008). The Racial middle: latinos and asian americans living beyond the racialdivide. New York, NY: NYU Press.
Perry, T, Steele, C, & Hillard III, A. (2003). Young gifted and black. Boston, MA: Beacon Press.
Pollock, Mica. (2008). Everyday antiracism. New York, NY: New Press.
Tatum, B. (2007). Can we Talk about race?. Boston, MA: Beacon Press.
Tatum, B. (2003). Why are all the Black kids sitting together in the cafeteria?. New York, NY:Basic Books.
Telles, E, & Ortiz, V. (2008). Generations of exclusion: mexican americans, assimiliation, andrace. New York, NY: Russell Sage Foundation Publications.
Tochluk, Shelly (2010, 2nd ed.). Witnessing Whiteness. Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield.
Williams, L. (2000). It's the little things: everyday interactions that anger, annoy, and divide theraces. Harcourt Books.
Eck, D. (2001). A New religious 4hristi: how a 4hristian country has become the world’s mostreligiously diverse nation. San Francisco, CA: HarperCollins.
Hicks, D. (2009). With God on all sides. New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
Wuthnow, Robert. (2007). America and the challenges of religious diversity. Princeton, NJ:Princeton University Press.
Sexual Orientation
Gold, M, & Drucker, M. (2008). Crisis. Austin, TX: Greenleaf Book Group Llc.
Social Class
Graaf, John, Wann, David, Naylor, Thomas. (2006). Affluenza: the allconsumingepidemicsecond edition. San Francisco, CA: BerrettKoehlerPublishers.
Jensen, E. (2009). Teaching with poverty in mind. Alexandria, VA: ASCD.
Lui, M, & Robles, B. (2006). The Color of wealth. New Press, The.
Rank, M. (2004). One nation, underprivileged. New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
Times, The, & Keller, Bill. (2005). Class matters. New York, NY: Henry Holt & Co..
“The First Season of 30 Days”. Spurlock, Morgan. FX Networks, LLC, 2006. DVD.
“Flash Judgments: Exploring Our Attitudes Toward Differences”. Teaching Kit. Avedon, Richard.AGC/United Learning, 1995. VHS.
“Let’s Get Real: The Powerful Documentary where youth speak up about namecallingandbullying”. Teaching Kit. Chasnoff, Debra. The Respect for All Project, 2003. DVD.
“A Place at the Table: Struggles for Equality in America”. Teaching Kit. Hudson and Houston.Teaching Tolerance, 2000. VHS.
“The Second Season of 30 Days”. Spurlock, Morgan. FX Networks, LLC, 2007. DVD.
“The Shadow of Hate: A History of Intolerance in America”. Teaching Kit. Guggenheim, Charles.The Southern Poverty Law Center, 2006. VHS.
“Starting Small: Teaching Tolerance in Preschool and Early Grades”. The Southern Poverty LawCenter and Teaching Tolerance, 2008. DVD.
“The Color of Fear”. Wah, Lee Mun. StirFry Seminars and Consulting, 1995. DVD.
“Mighty Times: The Legacy of Rosa Parks”. Teaching Kit. Houston, Bobby. Southern PovertyLaw Center and Hudson & Houston, 2002. DVD.
“Skin Deep”. Reid, Francis. Iris Films, 1995. VHS.
“Two Towns of Jasper”. Dow Whitney, and Williams, Marco. Two Tone Productions, 2002. VHS.
“Viva La Causa”. Mayo, Alonso and Brummel, Bill. The Southern Poverty Law Center andTeaching Tolerance, 2008. DVD.
“Divided We Fall: America in the Aftermath”. Raju, Sharat. New Moon Productions, 2006. DVD.
“One Survivor Remembers”. Teaching Kit. Antholis, Kary. Teaching Tolerance and the Gerdaand Kurt Klein Foundation, 1995. DVD and VHS.
“Paper Clips”. Berlin, Elliot and Fab, Joe. The Johnson Group, 2003. DVD.
Sexual Orientation
“Anyone and Everyone”. Schutz, Sussan Polis. Ironzeal Films, 2007. DVD.
“It’s Elementary: Talking about Gay Issues in School”. Chasnoff, Debra and Cohen, Helen.Women’s Educational Media, 1996. DVD.
“Oliver Button is a Star”. Scagliotti, John. The Oliver Button Project, 2001. VHS
Social Class
“Waiting on the World to Change”. ABC News, 2009. DVD.